Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beazers in Bismarck

So, I learned a few new terms this week...

Gritter: "Ew, you can't date her, she's a gritter." My friend Michelle asked me if I had ever heard this before, which I hadn't. Apparently it is a term where she is from that is somewhat equivalent to white trash. It's in urban dictionary, so I guess it's a real word, but nothing I'd heard before. As Michelle is several years younger than me, I tried to pass it off that I was just to old for such nonsense. But she informed me that her sister who is my age (or maybe a little older) knew what it was, so that excuse wasn't flying.

Incidentally, the next day I overheard someone use the term white trash in a nearby conversation at work. Naturally, this reminded me of my conversation about gritters, so I asked my co-workers if they had heard the term. They said no, but then asked if I knew what a Beazer was.

Beazer: This is apparently someone who thinks they are all that and a bag of chips, but really, they are just the smooshed PB&J that's a day old so the bread is soggy cause the J has been absorbed. Ok, I made up that colorful definition myself based on the understanding I have of beazers. Basically they said it is someone who is too big for their britches, but also kind of white trash. I was picturing a Peg Bundy type person when they described it. So, apparently that is the out down in this neck of the plains. It derives from the fact that there are the Class A high schools and the Class B high schools. In which case, I guess that makes me a Beazer. (Ironically, this is the name of the company who built my brother's house.)

P.S. I didn't win anything at Bingo last night. BOOOOOOO!

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