Thursday, June 17, 2010

Black and Brown in Bismarck

So, the State Bar convention is in town. I went to hear my nemesis speak this morning. (The opposing counsel from me hearing.) Listened to her, chatted afterwards, met a couple judges, said hello to the chief justice, etc. You know, networking... After that a bunch of us went to Ribfest for lunch, which is in town this weekend. Walked around there, saw lots of people I knew. Good times. Came back to the office, was walking down the hall around 2:45 p.m., and notice... I am wearing two different shoes today. One black, one brown. I am awesome.


  1. hahahahahahaha

    I mean.. oh no. I'm sorry.

    Were they otherwise the same? Like similar enough that people *might* have not noticed?

  2. Yes, I posted the picture on FB. There were relatively the same, and the brown ones were very dark, so they looked almost black. I don't think that anyone actually did notice until I pointed it out for a laugh.

  3. You act as if I use this FB contraption. I do not.

  4. Ugh, again!!! You are such a tease!
